I was told something from “Babylon” would be shown during this conversation. Is it any coincidence then that rumors are swirling that a trailer for Chazelle’s upcoming epic could be coming as early as next week? Of course not. It’s trailer has officially been rated and ready to go. TIFF has probably been chosen as the launchpad for what likely be an immense awards campaign for the film. Everyone is anticipating it. This is Chazelle’s go-for-broke epic, a 3-hour exploration of deranged 1920s Hollywood. Last week, the first photos for “Babylon” were released. The costumes looked outrageously over the top and colourful. If the film is as good as we think it is then we’re looking at across-the-board nominations come Oscar time. People who were lucky enough to catch a test-screening of the film said it was Chazelle’s “Wolf of Wall Street” with a mix of Fellini’s “Satyricon” added in for good measure. That’s the word on the street. Chazelle is swinging for the fences here. Contribute Hire me

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