I was a fan when I saw it at Sundance, It started off very slow but the second half is extremely strong. Driver is excellent. Ditto Annette Benning as California Senator Dianne Feinstein. The villain of the whole thing is Barack Obama’s former CIA director John Brennan, as played by Ted Levine. It helps that it is very of-the-moment, but will the more unabashed Obama fans abide by the fact that it paints his administration in a very negative light?. It’s a very distancing piece of work from Burns, he really goes for ice-cold detachment, which will alienate some. In my review I wrote that it was “a brutal and unforgiving journey into the deepest pits of governmental corruption.” Knowing what’s going on right now with the FBI/CIA abuses being uncovered, I would think this is a fairly relevant movie to watch, especially as the investigation intensify in the months to come. Contribute Hire me

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