Kamiński has been Spielberg’s right-hand man for close to 30 years now, and they’re now teaming up again for their 20th collaboration. Kamiński has signed on as DP for Spielberg’s “The Fablemans,” which is said to be about the director’s childhood in Arizona back in the 60s. He was spotted on-set just a few days ago. “The Fablemans”, which began shooting last month, and will probably be released in 2022, will tell the story of Sammy (Gabriel LaBelle), a character based on the mid-teenaged Spielberg, a striving young filmmaker living with his family in early ’60s Arizona.  We already know Michelle Williams is set to play a character inspired by Spielberg’s mother, Seth Rogen is also onboard playing the director’s uncle and Paul Dano will play a character inspired by the filmmaker’s dad, Arnold. Most of the cast of the new film will be younger, unknown actors, including LaBelle. Back to Kamiński. His groundbreaking works with Spielberg include “Schindler’s List”, “Saving Private Ryan,” and “Minority Report,” his photography can be described as a fusion of documentary storytelling, Uber close-ups, handheld steadicam setups, and bleach bypass grainy film with reduced saturation and increased contrast. He always goes for a sort of “de-glamorization” of imagery. His style has its fair share of detractors but I find the way he uses light, not necessarily to achieve realism, but create a painterly atmosphere, absolutely sublime. I forgot who it was, but a writer, years ago, called Kamiński‘s style “film noir with soft light.” An apt description. Contribute Hire me

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