Correction. It wasn’t the fat suit that tanked its Oscar hopes. It was more the fact that critics ended up seeing the movie on a wider scale and felt it was underwhelming. It’s a simple as that. A 67% on Rotten Tomatoes and 60 Metascore. Audiences do seem to love the movie though. An 8.3 on IMDB is a very positive sign. Recently, an article written by The New York Times called the film “gratuitous, self-aggrandizing fiction at best.” Noting that the film’s “fat suit” veered very close to fatphobia. “The disdain the filmmakers seem to have for their protagonist is constant, inescapable. It’s infuriating — to have all this on-screen talent and all these award-winning creators behind the camera, working to make an inhumane film about a very human being. What, exactly, is the point of that?” The author went on to pinpoint the “fat suit.” Of course. dumb take. So, we’re supposed to believe that the main role in “The Whale” should have been played by someone who is severely overweight? The criticism has been taken too far. Acting as an art form depends on using all the tools available for interpretation. Where will it end — with only serial killers being allowed to play serial killers? Contribute Hire me

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