However, something changed post-2005 as he switched his style into more talky, slow-burning dramas (“Lincoln,” “The Post,” “Bridge of Spies” “War Horse”). Spielberg seemed to be going for old-fashioned Hollywood craftsmanship. I like to think of this as the Victor Fleming/Howard Hawks phase of his career, both his cinematic idols. Now at 71-years of age, Spielberg will release the Tony Kushner-penned remake of the classic musical “West Side Story.” Oh, boy. What a risk. However, judging by the footage we’ve seen so far of it, Spielberg looks re-energized. Revitalized. Something has sprung back up inside him. Is his cinematic mojo back? I don’t think I’ve spoken to anyone who hasn’t been impressed with the “West Side Story” trailer. On-paper, it sounds like a terrible idea, but watching some of these sneak peeks has made me more comfortable with the idea that Spielberg may have just hit a homerun here. “West Side Story” will be released in theatres on December 10th, 2021. Contribute Hire me

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