How can anyone, that isn’t brainwashed by the Disney propaganda machine, not see that ‘Panther’ is a by-the-books Marvel movie. There are people out there calling it a “masterpiece,” that is insanity. Yes, it has an all African-American cast and for that it should be considered a cultural groundbreaker, but an artistic groundbreaker? Not even close. Truth of the matter is that movies stemming from the MCU can be qualified as OK. There are a few exceptions, of course, such as “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” “Iron Man,” “Iron Man 3,” and “Guardians of the Galaxy,” these are films that were successful because they attempted, as much as they possibly could, to stray away from the restrictive Marvel/Disney formula. However, and quite sadly, most of the MCU is comprised of mindless films, mainly for adolescents, but also very much  in-tune with the millions of nostalgia-driven adults craving for this stuff.  So why do people act like these films are amazing works of art? It’s all part of the Disney brainwash because how else could you qualify “The Avengers” or most other MCU films as “high art” when…

The plot is convolutedThe actors all seem bored.The action isn’t all that exciting due to lack of realism.The characters have little depth to them.The costumes are tackyThe CGI is overusedThe drama feels forced

The simple answer to all of this is nostalgia. Despite the MCU producing the most basic of action movies, people want to remember a time when they believed in superheroes beating supervillains and saving the day. You know the gist of it; The hero is weak at first but finds the strength in the deepest parts of his soul to overcome that aforementioned weakness, kick the bullies ass and get the girl. It gives today’s millennial and adult audience some hope and faith in their lives, to overcome whatever trials and tribulations they may have. In a way, it can be inspiring … for a 13-year-old kid. Adults have to come to terms with the fact that that just isn’t how it works in real life, admitting that to onself must be a crushing and depressing blow.  I’m a realist, I don’t need to find faith and courage in a superhero wearing spandex. I’m not a child. Contribute Hire me

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